Chloe Thompson From Gardening Youtube Star to Online Course Creator

Season #1

My guest in this episode of the Rural Rockstar is a little nostalgic, taking me back to my uni days. Chloe Thompson and I met studying agricultural science together many moons ago. Back then, there were three strains to this course - animals, plants, economics - it was the fascinating world of plants that made Chloe's heart sing and it is within this field that she continues to flourish! After teaming up with a mum friend back in 2016, Chloe took her gardening skills to the web, offering an online platform called 'The Gardenettes' where people could expand their knowledge base on both products and plants. It was an instant success, with a unique 40's vibe, helping so many make their gardens their happy place. From here, and a little pandemic thrown into the mix, Chloe again took to the online world, recently launching Sprout School - a six week online gardening course. Not surprisingly, another huge success! I cannot wait to see where she takes this! Accompanying the discovery of a clear gap in the market, we chat about the definitive point where Chloe knew her concept had legs and how she took her skills and knowledge to a place where it would become most beneficial, to a wide and varied audience. If you're thinking of starting out or have an idea in mind, Chloe has so many tips on how to take that first leap! I promise, it's not all work in this chat. As I do with all my guests, we talk through Chloe's daily wellbeing practices. What she does to be her best person - not just for herself but for everyone around her. Like gardening, this chat was so good for the soul! I know you'll love it as much as I loved bringing it to you. Enjoy K x