Sarah Keely - Conscious Calander Co

Season #1 Episode #30

Let me introduce you to the superwoman that is Sarah Keeley - my beautiful guest on the Rural Rockstar this week and the creator of Conscious Calendar Co. The term 'a gift from the universe' is the exact story behind Sarah's business venture. Always drawn to crystals and a self-proclaimed hippie at heart, Conscious Calendar Co came to fruition on a car trip one new years eve. It was a fleeting thought, but backed by her confidence and a mission to prove to herself she could pull it off, Sarah had products on shelves just 10 months later. She didn't overthink it, she didn't strive for perfection straight up, she just had confidence in her product and a connection to the idea behind it all which is what she attributes to her success today. Throughout this podcast, we chat about exactly that - not letting the fear of failure hold you back from pursuing something you love. It's so easy to get in our heads and make excuses about why it won't work but in doing this, we miss out on the joy that is creating something amazing and fulfilling and something that can be enjoyed by so many others. Not being held back by the crippling need of perfectionism, Sarah gives hope to other women to put aside the fear and follow their dreams. Her biggest piece of advice (and one of new favourite analogies) was to treat criticism like Teflon. You may laugh, but there's some real bones to this theory. When you've created a product from your soul, and you put that to the public, you are made automatically vulnerable, especially to those who don't share the same faith in your product. The thing is, your product isn't for everyone. And in trying to please everyone, you lose yourself. So here's where the Teflon theory comes in - don't let criticism take hold of your heart or your head. It's non-stick, like Teflon. Just wipe it off. There's so much more we unpack in this episode and I don't want to give too much more away! Tune in, give it a listen, and I know you'll find so much goodness in Sarah's story. Enjoy! K x See for privacy information.